a b o u t

I’m Andra Campbell, the hands behind each piece. Every pot is handmade, refined, glazed, and shipped by yours truly at my home studio in Seattle, WA.

The name for Andra Throws came organically when I began this journey in 2021. My maiden name is Bose and ‘throws’ rhymed with it so perfectly. Now that I have a different last name it still feels like the perfect homage.

A note about my current work:
Right now I am focusing on exploration and experimentation which is why the styles and shapes vary so widely. I have learned so much from each piece and cannot wait to make more. What I make today will almost certainly change tomorrow and that is what excites me most about these early stages of this journey.

Thanks for supporting a blossoming small business

h e l l o

photos above:

photo 1: my cat Pigeon is the best studio mate (who, despite her face, loves me) (although mostly at mealtimes)

photo 2 (behind): my bridal bouquet from in a pot that I made for our wedding in 2023

a n d r a t h r o w s

a n d r a t h r o w s